All the songs that played during Breakfast with the Beatles on July 23rd, in order.
Dole, back at the station was playing the music while I was at Fraze. This is what aired to the best of my recollection. (9 to 12 Noon)
We Can Work It Out (monophonic)
There's a Place
I'll Follow the Sun
I'm So Tired
Don't Let Me Down
Ticket To Ride
All You Need Is Love
Here Comes the Sun
Tell Me Why
Good Day Sunshine
Day Tripper
Paperback Writer
Please Mr. Postman
Twist and Shout (monophonic)
Rock and Roll Music
Good Morning Good Morning
The Long and Winding Road
I Wanna Be Your Man
Yellow Submarine
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
All Together Now
Fixing a Hole
Don't Bother Me
When I'm Sixty-Four
Sgt. Pepper's/With a Little Help From My Friends
Back in the USSR
The Long and Winding Road 2x ( iam putting a month long ban on this song :)
All My Loving
Sun King (part of Abbey Road medley)
Good Night
Live and Let Die
Why Don't We Do It In the road?
Eleanor Rigby
Lady Madonna
Dear Prudence
I'll Follow the Sun 2x lol
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Strawberry Fields Forever