UPDATE - The times of the Event will now be 9 o'clock to Noon. Despite the Bengals game starting at 11:30am on-air, we will continue with the performances at the Fraze til 12pm, thus no need to start a half hour earlier. Whew! Everyone can sleep in 30 minutes more. lol
If you hope to participate in the show at the Fraze on Sept 10th Pick 2 Beatles songs, your #1 choice and a backup if possible and email them to Beatles@wtue.com No medley's please. Also with this being a family-friendly, G-rated show No Swearing on the mic at any time. Please give me an idea as to the singers prowess...are they a beginner, Shower jockey, Karaoke at the bar fueled by liquid courage, American Idol hopeful? Try to be at the Fraze by 9:00am to check-in.
***We are putting a cap at the first 6 performers. The cap means that while the 6 commercial breaks (traditionally we do the performances during these breaks) on the 3-hour show are set in place we probably will have time for some others. However there are no guarantees we will be able to get everyone on.
An instrument is optional though there will NOT be any accompanying back track to sing over. If they don't play something it will be acapella.
We will provide all mics and amp pick-ups. If the singer needs to read the music they should bring their own stand or easel.
For the first time we're going to do something at the end of the show involving all the performers so stay til the end if you can.
The final Breakfast with the Beatles of the season at Fraze Pavilion is always Open Mic, and is of course free and open to the public. Find out more HERE